The Library Of Etheirys



The Library of Etheirys is a long-form comic book zine anthology of different genres featuring different WoLs set in the world of Final Fantasy XIV.50% of our profits will go to charity (to be decided), and the other 50% will be evenly distributed between all contributors.Our zine will be A5 (5.8x8.3"), 150+ pages. Our merch may include a mini 8-page side zine (A6), a folded mini-book, art prints, bookmarks, a sticker sheet, a tote bag, a sticky notepad, and a washi tape.All specifications are subject to change!


What is a zine and what’s this one specifically about?
A zine is a self-published booklet/magazine! This one specifically is a comic zine anthology of 12+ stories of various artists’ stories of their FFXIV characters set in the world of Etheirys.
How many contributors are you looking for?
4 merch artists. At the moment, our comic spots are filled by invited artists.
Why so few?
We want to be able to let our artists tell their stories in depth if they choose to and that would require giving them the appropriate pages needed and we only have so much.
Besides the page limitations, comics take a lot of hard work and a long time to be fully realized so we would need artists who have honest and reliable communication skills on top of pristine work ethic.
The main obstacles in tackling large long-running projects like this, especially if it was open to a lot of contributors, is having people contribute fairly and on time without dropping out. This is a passion project on top of our full time jobs and activities, so we’re trying to minimize that risk by keeping it to a smaller and more manageable number.
Will the contributors receive a physical copy?
Yes! Contributors will receive a full bundle including or digital and physical zine, as well as all merch, given that we break even.
Who can apply?
If you’re an artist who loves to tell stories and are part of the FFXIV fandom, please feel free to apply! (But do take note that we are not currently accepting artist/writer team-ups.)
What are you looking for in the applications?
For artists who want to create one of the mini zine options, we’re looking for people who have distinct voices in telling stories! Please include in your portfolio or samples pieces that would reflect that. Including 1-2 stand-alone illustrative pieces is acceptible, but make sure they’re pieces that evoke some type of emotion/story.
For merch artists, we’re looking for 3-5 examples of fully illustrated pieces or merch you’ve designed before.
It doesn’t have to be FFXIV-related pieces and it can be in any medium/style! Just ones that reflect your abilities the best.


All dates are subject to change. Follow our Twitter for immediate updates.

ApplicationsJan 30 - Feb 6
Email ResultsFeb 8
Contributor AnnouncementFeb 13
PitchesFeb 20
ScriptMar 21
ThumbnailsApr 21
RoughsMay 21
LinesJun 21
Color/ShadingJul 21
Final SubmissionsDecember 1
Pre-ordersComing 2024...


  • Mod Roles: Lead, Formatting, Shipping

  • About: Hi, I'm Kata! I love to draw!! I also have a passion for comics and storytelling!!!! I'm here to hopefully provide everyone a good time and an amazing zine! I've modded the Boys with Love comic zine with one other mod and participated in countless others! I love zines hehe.

  • Mod Roles: Graphics

  • About: Hello! My name is Dove and I am a concept artist and illustrator with a passion for scary characters :^D Currently I am helping mod Inspiration: A G'raha zine!

  • Mod Roles: Organization

  • About: I love Goobbues! I do org modding (and social modding) a lot and Google Suite is my second home! I really like spreadsheets :3